
(! ! 等到了! 3)



Opening of the Spaceship Institute (SSI) Announced for 2014

NOVEMBER 16, 2013


中文翻译: 林琚月 20131119


There are Illuminati minion disinfo/slander sites on the Internet, of course, saying Mehren T. Keshe and his work are bogus, but they are, as usual, trying to throw people off the trail.

有許多光明會奴才的網站在散佈誤導訊息說, 當然它們會説Mehren T. Keshe博士和他的科技都是騙人的, 而這些攻擊 --- 當然就是要把輿論給搞亂誤導民眾.




Keshe’s paradigm-dissolving technologies are the real thing and he proved it by enabling the military of Iran to take control of and capture a US surveillance drone over Iran mid-flight, bringing it down with nary a scratch a year or more ago. The US Military Industrial complex was not amused but it got a lot of giggles from the rest of us.

Kesheparadigm-dissolving technologies (範式溶解技術?)是真實的, 而且他透過~~讓伊朗軍隊控制而且捕捉到一個飛越伊朗上空的美國的隱形偵察機來證明此事 ~~他們在一年或稍早之前將之帶下來, 只有一點點擦傷. 這美國軍事工業部門可是很不高興, 但是我們全部人都在暗笑.





Planet Earth has entered the space age and no smarmy government disinfo nerds are going to steal our thunder. They can crawl back under the rock they came from because we ignore everything they have to say.

行星地球已經進入了太空時代”, 而且沒有虛情假意的政府誤導訊號的書呆子們能夠偷走這件事的勢頭。它們可以再爬回去石頭底下 --- 它們來的地方 --- 因為我們根本不在乎任何它們想說的話.



Keshe has unlocked energy secrets that will not only put us in space, but cure disease and provide ample food and pure water for all AND free energy. His ground transportation prototypes are exciting and we all want some.

Keshe已經揭開了能量的秘密 ~~這秘密不止會把我們放入太空, 而且可以治療疾病,而且提供許多的食物與清潔用水 ~~給所有的人使用,而且還有免費自由能源! 而且他的地面交通工具模型是非常令人興奮的, 而且我們全部人都想要!



 (RL: 請欣賞一下Rebecca的下一輛豪華房車, \\空三棲, 上阿里山轉瞬就到! 哈哈!)



Keshe has openly shared the patents for his technologies with every government on the planet, and many have already utilized the information to advance their societies.

Keshe已經公開的與這行星地球上的每一個政府公開分享他的科技的版權, 而且許多人已經運用這些訊息來增進他們社會的發展.



Unfortunately, since their snit-fit the US cabal has kept these patents under wraps and despite demands from The People, have not released them or even acknowledged they have said thumb drive.  They are pretending it doesn’t exist and hope we’ll go away. We will not—but they soon will!

不幸的是 ~~由於他們令人嘔氣的美國cabal份子把這些專利都包起來藏起來不給人使用 --- 雖然人民要求要, 但是始終沒有釋放訊息科技的意思或至少承認他們有做了以上所說的試開’. 它們假裝這事不存在, 而且還希望我們這些人會消失走開. 我們不會! --- 但是它們很快就會了!




Keshe’s plan is to offer these technologies to all people of Earth, bringing us together in peace, rather than dividing us in competition so that we may live in abundance rather than lack. That will soon be our reality.  ~ BP

Keshe的計劃是提供這些科技給全地球行星的人民, 把大家團結在和平之下, 而不要把大家分裂在競爭之中, 所以我們可以都生活在富足之中而不是缺乏之中. ~~將很快成為我們的實相! ~~BP


Opening of the Spaceship Institute



Nov 1, 2013


The start of the world teaching program of the Keshe Foundations and setting up of the “Spaceship Institute” in Italy was unveiled and announced in the press conference organized by the Keshe Foundation in Brescia, Italy on 31.10.2013.


太空中心\學院在意大利的設立已經被揭幕而且宣佈在記者會上了. ~~日期是20131031日在意大利BresciaKeshe基金會.



In this press conference, Dr. Aristide Pele (Councilor Education and University of Brescia Province), Mr. Fabio Maroni (former Member of Parliament and member of the Constitutional Affairs Committee) and Mr. M T Keshe the Founder of the Keshe Foundation announced the opening of this institute in early 2014.

在這記者會上, Dr. Aristide Pele(Brescia大學校長), Mr. Fabio Maroni(前國會議員以及議會憲法討論小組成員), 以及Mr. M T Keshe(Keshe基金會創辦人) ~~一起宣佈了



Following the discussion in the last session of the Italian parliament about the work of the keshe Foundation and transfer of its spaceship technology to Italy, this announcement completes the move of the Founder and its Foundation to Italy early this year.

繼意大利國會關於Keshe基金會的工作的討論, 以及他們對意大利的太空科技技術轉移 ~~這個宣佈完成了 Keshe基金會以及創辦人對意大利的用意\意願 ~~在今年稍早開始的工作行程.



By the opening of this institute, Italy after Iran becomes the third nation, which has entered the spaceship technology developed by Iranian nuclear Eng. M T Keshe.

The Spaceship Institute (SSI) was said in this press conference will be ready to accept 250 scientists from around the world.

透過開放這個‘太空中心\學院’, 意大利繼伊朗之後成為第三個國家 ~~是承接了由伊朗核子工程師M T Keshe所發展出來的太空科技. 在這記者會上, 意大利太空中心(SSI)將會接受來自全球250個科學家進入.


The methods of teaching and whom can be qualified for the first years to be the knowledge seeker in this institute was laid out through power point presentation by the founder of the Foundation.

教學的方法, 以及誰能夠合格進入這個‘太空中心\學院’早期幾年的知識搜尋~~都透過power point在銀幕上說明清楚 ~~Keshe基金會創辦人自己說明.



The establishment of this institute is the final steps in bringing the world scientists around the same table to develop new systems and after two years to be able to produce the full working craft for excursion into space by an international team of scientists.

這個‘太空中心\學院’的成立是最後幾個步驟來結合全世界的科學家在同一張桌子上來發展新的系統, 而且在兩年後, 能夠生產完全可以運作的飛船做太空探索旅行 ~~透過這個國際聯合的科學家團隊.



In this meeting the ALS volunteer Mr. Bassan, whom his video was released last week by the Foundation was present too, and the press present for the meeting interviewed him as they wished.

在這記者會上, ALS(?)志願者Mr. Bassan, 他的影片上禮拜就被基金會公開了, 也在現場, 而記者們可以隨心所欲的採訪他.



By establishing the “Spaceship Institute,” the working of the first world scientific elite university is set in motion.

透過成立這個‘太空中心\學院’ ---




The Keshe Foundation in the press conference invited the world scientists to gather in Italy to work as united team in bringing the new technology to all nations in one move.


在這記者會上, Keshe基金會邀請全世界的科學家來集合在意大利來以團隊方式聯合合作 ~~把這新的科技帶給全世界的所有國家 ~~在一次的合作中!



With uniting the scientific world, in sharing advance Magravs technology and the gained knowledge rapidly through out the world by the procedures setout in the press conference, the Foundation is making the path ready for the world peace by equality in science and wealth across the world.

透過聯合世界的科學業界, 一起分享這磁重力Magravs科技, 以及隨後在全世界做出的研究發展 ~~透過在記者會上解釋的程序,





The Founder of the Keshe Foundation officially invites genius scientists in plasma and space technology from the Islamic Republic of Iran, the most amazing Scientists from space agency of United State of America, the most intuitive scientists from the People’s Republic of China, and the most advance space technologist in space science of Russian Federation, the most amazing Italian scientists, the most talented scientists from the state Israel and other valued scientists from other nations of the world to join us in the first semester of this international “Spaceship Institute” in March 2014.

Keshe基金會的創始人正式邀請在電漿和太空科技上, 非常天才的科學家們來自伊朗伊斯蘭共和國,以及美國國家美國最令人驚嘆的科學家,從中國的人民共和國的太空機構最有直覺力的科學家,以及最先進的俄羅斯聯邦,最神奇的意大利科學家在太空科學,太空技術專家從以色列和其他國家, 全世界最有價值的科學家, 從世界其他國家最有才華的科學家們 ~~~加入我們這個國際“太空飛船研究所的第一學期”在20143月。



The Keshe Foundation in the coming days will send official invitations to nations for them to appoint at least 10 scientists from different discipline to this institute.

Keshe基金會在未來幾天內將發送正式邀請給所有國家 ~~讓他們的國家去委任至少10個來自不同學科的科學家到這個研究所來。


We expect cordial response from the government and scientific groups of Iran, United state of America, and Israel; it is time to ignore our human difference and join in uniting this planet for peaceful journeys of our children into space as united family.

我們期望所有國家和科學界的親切響應此號召 ~~伊朗,美利堅合眾國的國家,以色列~~~現在是時候去拋開我們的人類的差異,並加入團結在這個星球上的和平之旅上 ~~~為了我們的孩子,作為團結的家庭一起進入太空。



In space, there are no territories and flags except the flag of unity of the mankind in the deep spans of universe.

在太空中並沒有區域與旗帙, 除了人類團結的旗幟之外 ~~在巨大宇宙的深處.


We have our space reactor ready and on standby for your scientists to test, develop, and share their knowledge with the rest of the mankind in the coming months.

我們已經有太空反應器做好了 ~~等著讓你們的科學家來測試, 發展, 並且分享他們的知識 ~~與全世界的人類 ~~在未來數個月之內.



It is time that the nations of the world to put aside these pittance difference and work as one peaceful united nation and race for the betterment of the humanity.

現在是時候 ~~全世界的國家們 ~~放下他們彼此微小的差異~~以一個和平聯合的國家以及種族來一起工作 ~~~為了人類更好的未來!



Our invitations to each nation will be released, as with our peace treaty on the forum of the Foundation as before and it is the responsibility of each citizen to prepare their nations for participating in this institute.

我們對每一個國家的邀請即將會送出, 就如同我們上次的基金會論壇上的和平協定內容一樣 ~~這是每一個公民的職責來準備好



The Keshe Foundation



RL: 欢迎大家转载, 但请勿删修任何文字, 特别是渠道名称与译者名称. 尊重作者, 译者与著作权! 请小心因果报应! 并请大家不要转载刨窃的作品, 不要成为帮凶并分担业障! 请大家协助保持灵学界的清净!

修行路上大家加油! 无限祝福!






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